Sunday, September 17, 2006

U.S. war prisons legal vacuum for 14,000 - Yahoo! News

U.S. war prisons legal vacuum for 14,000 - Yahoo! News

Like everyone else, I am concern about terrorism and I do support efforts to protect us from such acts. However, I am unsettled by recent events and revelations. It seems that the Bush Adminstration is engaged in less than humane and fair treatment of suspected terrorists. Moreso, I am very unsettled by the suspension of civil liberties of those detained. President Bush and his backers claim to uphold American values but their actions say differently. In addition, President Bush has pushed for surveillance on Americans without any judicial oversight. I wonder if the screenwriters of the movie "V for Vendetta" wrote the movie based on President Bush and policies. It is hard to denied the similarities. A politican who is single-minded and unyielding. A leader who uses fear to manipulate the masses. And, a leader who engages in highly immoral and unethical acts under the pretense of protecting the nation. I am very concern over current events. I am afraid that in our fervor to preserve our way of life we actually ended up destroying it.

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